The CO Logo in the middle of mural of an assortment of colourful flowers and leaves

How Did You Get Here?

Is anyone else hearing the song by Deborah Cox with that title? “Hoooow did you get here? Nobody’s supposed to be here. I’ve tried that love thing for the last time. Myyyy heart says no no!” 

Well, Blog #1 – how did I get here? Truthfully, the internet Gods told me I needed to be here. I am trying my hand at writing – this is something I usually save for my eyes only. 

How did I get here as a psychotherapist? Although I would love to imagine I lived an off beat path that was filled with outrageous and life changing experiences. But it was as stereotypical as you can get for a first generation Canadian, half Asian, middle class girl, growing up in Southwestern Ontario. After highschool (I’m so old, grade 13 was a thing), I went off to University, then worked, travelled abroad and once again, off to University for my Masters.  I had to put in my hours to become official, and here I am, almost 20 years later.

How did I get here as a business? After moving back to Ontario with four kids in tow, I knew I wanted to work AND be with my family.  I really really love what I do. So, I opened my own practice and studio. The joke is on me, because running a small business is pretty consuming and flexibility/balance is a nice concept. Who knew? Not me, because I was a non profit girl for many years. 

I’m sure there are a few other storylines that can continue to explain how I got here – what the experiences were that led me here, to this exact moment in time. Perhaps a Blog #2. 

Thank you so much for being here – thank you for reading this journey as I talk about life –  life as a therapist, mom, business owner, wife, doctoral student, woman, on and on….

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